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Hotel Jakob
Dorfplatz 3
A-5330 Fuschl am See

Tel .: +43-6226-8228
Fax: +43-6226-8628-88
E-Mail: info@hoteljakob.at
Web: www.hoteljakob.at/en

Commercial Register Number: 174645g
Commercial Court: Landesgericht Salzburg
UID: ATU45362600
Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Act): Bezirkshauptmannschaft Salzburg-Umgebung
Business Purpose: Gastronomy, Hospitality
Managing Director/Owner: Jakob Schmidlechner

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Please refer to our privacy policy at www.hoteljakob.at/en/privacy-policy.

Technical realization:

Incert eTourismus GmbH & Co KG
Leonfeldner Straße 328
4040 Linz
Tel: +43 (0)732 89 00 18-0

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